Welcome to Testtone.io

Testtone.io is a straightforward platform designed for creating and customizing audio test tones and test patterns. The website offers a simple form to input your preferences for name, type, volume, and pan settings, allowing you to generate a unique test tone or test pattern.

How to Use

  1. Input a name for your test tone or test pattern in the "Name" field.
  2. Select the desired type from the "Select Type" dropdown menu, choosing either "Tone" or "Speak".
  3. Adjust the volume using the "Volume" slider.
  4. Modify the pan settings using the "Pan" slider.
  5. If desired, check the "Display UTC Time" box to include UTC time in the generated URL.
  6. If preferred, check the "Start Unmuted" box for the test tone or test pattern to play in an unmuted state. However, note that Chrome may still mute the audio by default. In this case, simply click anywhere on the website to unmute it.
  7. Click the "Go to Testone" button to view the created test tone or test pattern.
  8. Alternatively, click the "Copy URL" button to copy the generated URL to your clipboard for sharing purposes.

Testtone.io offers a practical solution for generating custom audio test tones and test patterns with ease.

Create your own Testtone